Pearl jewellery is perfect for everyone

For thousands of years pearls have been worn by the rich and glamorous, and given to loved ones as extravagant gifts. Traditionally worn by brides, for thousands of years they have been a symbol of love, purity and perfection. Nowadays pearl jewellery is available to...

Amethyst Jewellery

One of the most commonly used beads in beaded jewelry are Amethyst beads. Amethyst semi precious stones are quite famous semi precious beads, quite the size of stones, and hence the name. They are often used in jewelry making and make good garnishing with bigger bead...

The Meaning and History of Celtic Knot Designs

Many people throughout the world find the symbols and meanings of Celtic jewelry designs fascinating and like to collect gold or silver Celtic knot jewelry. There are many lovely pieces of jewelry depicting Celtic knots and other Celtic designs and it can be...

Wearing Wedding Jewelry From Family Heirlooms

teardrop crystal wedding jewelry Wedding jewelry is something that a lot of brides have to spend a lot of time, energy, and money on. If you are lucky enough to have family jewelry that will be given to you or you will be allowed to borrow pieces you should be...